My Family

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Bathroom Remodel

Well we finally finished Greg's sisters bathroom.  We started out by taking down the wallpaper, and all the fixtures.  We patched up the walls and got them ready to paint.  We also ripped up the floor so Greg could put down a ceramic tile floor.



Old Cabinet

She wanted a ceramic tile floor so Greg put one in for her.

Floor Before

Floor After
We painted the walls blue and put in a new cabinet, mirror and lights. 

New Cabinet

New Mirror and Lights
It was a lot of work but it turned out really nice and she loves it. Of course now she wants her kitchen done!  What have we gotten ourselves into :)  We will have to think about that one, now that it's getting nice out we have a lot of work in the yard to do and finish fixing our fence.

Till next time....