My Family

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Springtime Trip to WV

Every spring I go to visit Alexander to see him play baseball.  I was really looking forward to it this year since he started in the position of catcher.  Unfortunately the weekend I went it decided to rain so baseball was canceled.  I went along to Karate class on Saturday.  My son and his wife found a really nice new place for Alex to take classes.  Since I was there he has gone from his white belt to his yellow belt and now has his orange belt.  I'm so very proud of him and really hope he sticks to Karate.

Now that's what I call being flexible

That night Alex had his club scout banquet.  We needed to bake and decorate a cake for the cake raffle.  It needed to be decorated in the club scout theme.  We decided to go with a camping theme and I think it turned out pretty good.

They sold tickets and you put your ticket into a bag of the cake you wanted to win.  I put a few in Alexander's bag and some in others.  Well when they were pulling tickets we won our own cake back.  Alex thought this was so funny.  All night he kept saying "Grandma  I can't believe we won our own cake back".


I had a great time, I can't believe how fast Alex is growing. 

Till Next Time.....
