My Family

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Home Design Part 2 & Trip to WV

When we moved to NC we bartered with Erica for a fish tank and rain barrels.  We finally decided to get the fish tank set up after Greg's sister came over and said "You know that storage container you have there...some people put fish in it"  We took the tank outside to wash it out and after a while we went out to find a lizard swimming in the water.

We were going back and forth as to what color to paint the stand.  We ended up taking the arm cover from our sofa and had the paint store match the color.  It turned out really nice & below is the finish tank. My mom really likes the tank.  She said her father had a big fish tank when she was younger.

Our dining room set is from Greg's grandmother.  The chairs were so old and the wood was breaking that we ended up trashing them.  We went to an antique store and found a nice set of antique chairs at a great price.  The fabric was nice but did not match the new dinning room color.  We went to the fabric store and redid the chair seats.  I think they turned out pretty good.

Old Chair Fabric
New Chair Fabric
I took a trip to see Alexander in West Virginia.  The cub scouts went to the food bank to help separate the food donations coming in that day.  They were collecting food for Thanksgiving.

That afternoon he had a school fundraiser. We sure did have a lot of fun. Alexander's cousin Hayden came along with us.

Hayden & Alexander

Alex & Hayden

The same weekend was trick or treating.  Hayden came along with us and I had so much fun watching him.  The look on his face the first time he knocked on a door and someone gave him candy was priceless.  He had a blast that night.

It was a great weekend!

Till next time....


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