My Family

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

My Trip to PA

Sorry it took a little longer to write on my blog.  My daughter had not been feeling well and was taken to the hospital.  She was having a lot of trouble breathing and it turns out she actually had a mild heart attack.  I left last Monday to go up to help her out because she is to be resting.  Isabella always gets excited when she sees me with my suitcase because she knows we are going to have a sleep over.  She is getting so big and we have a lot of fun doing crafts together.  She will spend hours doing crafts, I think she is going to be the next Martha Stewart. 

Since I have seen Raymond at Christmas his personally has really blossomed.  He just smiles and really interacts with everyone.  I love to watch him and Isabella together, he just loves his big sister.   When Chris gets home from work and lays on the floor, Raymond gets so excited.  He will go over to Chris and climb over him. He is pulling himself up at the sofa, it'll be nice when he can walk.

Raymond helping with the Laundry

I really miss grocery shopping at Wegmans so we made a trip for me to get some things to take home.  There is a Home Goods store in the same shopping center so we went in to check it out.  If you haven't been to a Home Goods store its worth checking it out.  It snowed twice while I was visiting, Isabella wanted to know where my snow boots were.  Thank goodness Greg thought to put the ice scraper in my car before I left home.  I'm home for now but it's only a few more weeks till our Granddaughter is born.  Can't wait to drive back to PA to see her.   Till next time....


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