My Family

Monday, May 23, 2011

New River Air Show

Last weekend we went to the New River Air Show on base.  The weather was calling for rain all weekend but down here seems like unless it's 100% chance a lot of times it does not rain.   Saturday we had our yard sale and had a really nice day for it.  We did pretty good but still have a lot of things left.  I guess we will take them to the donation place.  Greg's sister came over and sat with us for the day while we had our sale.  We had a nice visit together. 

Sunday morning was very nice so we decided to go to the Air Show.  I have never been to one and thought it would be fun.  It was free to get in so we took our chairs and headed out.  When we arrived of course we had to go through security then walked a pretty good distance across the air field.  When we sat on the chairs you could only see what was in the air but nothing on the ground because of all the stands and bleachers set up.  There were sections you could pay $5 and get in and see the whole air field.  So we decided to pay and go inside.

Well we were inside for about 10 minutes when a dark cloud came over with some rain.  It started out light they got pretty heavy so we went around the corner with everyone else and crammed under a small tent.  Of course till we got there we were pretty wet.  It only lasted a few minutes and stopped.   The air show started again and we got to watch about 30 more minutes till another dark cloud came, this time with a very heavy down pour.  We got around the bleachers and got under but it didn't cover very well.  We got drenched this time.

Again we decided to stay, although it was cold from the wind and being wet.  The sun came out every now and then which was nice but then went back behind the clouds.   They started the air show again with a group jumping out of a plane.

There was a helicopter pilot doing tricks and flying it upside down.  Also a plane doing a lot of crazy flying stunts.

The planes in the show were really neat. 

This jet went by so fast.  Then came around to stop and hover over.  It was cool but very loud.

This plane tried to land on a truck while moving.  It had gotten pretty windy from the rain so he was not able to do it after several tries.

After watching for about an hour the announcer said there was another storm cell coming with lighting.  You could go to your car to wait it out or to an airplane hanger that they opened up.  I was tired, cold, wet to the bone and hungry.  We decided to leave (as most people did) and go home.  We stopped at Bojangles got some chicken, took it home got into some warm clothes and had chicken for supper. 

We will try again next year.  A few things about the show is;  #1 it's worth paying the five dollars to get a better seat. #2 eat a big meal before you go, they were charging $7 for a funnel cake and $3 for a bottle of water. 

Till next time....


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