My Family

Sunday, May 1, 2011


I have been so busy working in the yard this week that I forgot to write on my blog.  Easter weekend Greg's sister, mom and I volunteered at the park in Surf City for the egg hunt.  We left early in the morning and helped hide the eggs, then we sold raffle tickets.  Anne and I rocked selling raffle tickets because we went down where everyone was parking.  This way we got everyone as they came into the park.
Easter Sunday after church we decided to have lunch at the Chinese buffet.  It was Greg, myself, his mother, brother and his wife.  It's a place we have eaten before and really like.  But next year I will be cooking because I really missed my ham and sweet potatoes.

Greg is on spring break so we decided that we were going to work on the yard.  We pretty much changed everything around.  There wasn't much in our back yard so we decided to plant bushes all along the fence.  This was a big job.  We planted some azalea bushes, butterfly bushes and some pretty yellow and green bushes.  So fifteen bushes and 120 ft of mulch, it was a lot of work but it really looks nice. 

Our back yard
All the flower beds have the red mulch.  I'm use to and really like the black mulch.  We raked up all the red mulch and planted new flowers and bushes and then put down the black mulch.  We worked in the yard every day for a week and it really turned out nice.  Below are some of the pictures of the things we have done. 

The start of Greg's Garden

Even though it was a lot of work we had a nice week.   I'll write in a few days about the festival that we attended this weekend.  So check back in a few days.

Till next time....

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