My Family

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Trip to West Virginia

A few days after coming home from PA I left for West Virginia to visit with Alexander.  He only had two more t-ball games left and I promised to go see him play a game.  I love watching the little kids play ball, they are so cute.

Erica and her family also came out to see Alex play.  We decided to take a walk around the neighborhood.  The kids found a pile of stones and decided to look for fossils.  They actually found quite a few and had fun learning about them from Uncle Chris (our nature expert).
Alex & Isabella

Alex, Uncle Chris, Isabella

Sunday morning Erica and her family had to leave to go home.  Bobby, Lori, Alex and myself left to drive to Pittsburgh to see the Pirates play the Phillies.  We had a very nice time and of course the Phillies winning made it even better.

After the game the kids were able to go down to the field and run the bases.  Alex really enjoyed getting a chance doing this.

We had a really nice weekend.  Lots of things coming up so I will get back to posting on a more regular basis. Hope everyone is having a nice start of summer.

Till next time....

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