My Family

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Memorial Day Weekend

I know I have not posted for some time.  We have been going non-stop since Memorial Day Weekend.  We drove to Pa for the weekend.  This is the first time Greg has had a chance to see Lily.  He has been so anxious to see our granddaughter who was born on his birthday.  Since he had an extra day off school for the holiday we decided to go home.  This also gave us a chance to go to our annual family picnic this weekend.
Lily, Grandpa, Isabella

Grandpa and Raymond

Over the weekend we took Raymond for a haircut.

We also went to the Reading Museum which was very nice.  They also had a really nice park to walk around.  While we were there they must have has at least six weddings that came to get there pictures taken.  It was nice seeing all the brides and bridesmaids in their dresses.

Isabella and her daddy



We had a really nice time even though it went quick.  We had our family picnic on Sunday and then had to leave Monday morning to head home.  I was only home a few days then headed to West Virginia.  Read about my trip that I posted.

Till next time,

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