My Family

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Florida Vacation

We decided to go to Florida on vacation to visit my Aunt and Uncle.  We always have a nice relaxing time there just hanging out and playing cards with my Aunt at night.  She is a great cook so if you ever go to her house and leave hungry it's your fault. 
We did decide to go to the Ringling Bros. Museum and home in Sarasota Fl.
The front of the house

Right side of the house

The back of the house
How nice to be able to pull your boat up to the back of your house.  There was a beautiful very large back patio.  They actually have weddings there which would be very beautiful.

The inside was just as beautiful and had some really cool antiques.

The Bar

The Kitchen
We then went into the museum that held a lot of items from the circus from many years back.  A lot of these items were from when they traveled from town to town by train.

After going into the house and museum of the circus items, there was also a very large Art museum.  The art museum had some really amazing art that was part of the collection of John Ringling.  I would recommend going to visit this place if you are ever in Sarasota, Fl.  It will take all day to go through everything.

This was such a very nice relaxing vacation.  Will be looking forward to our next visit.

Till next time....


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