My Family

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Visit with the Grandkids

Erica, Chris and the kids stopped by on their way to Florida.  After living here for two years it was nice that they had a chance to visit.  I was especially glad Isabella got to see our new house.  She knew we moved but didn't understand the distance and why I couldn't just come over to her house as often.  Now that she has come to visit and sees how long it takes to get here she understands. 

They arrived Friday evening and we decided to have a cookout.  Greg's family and Frankie and his family came over to see everyone.  They have not seen the kids so it was nice that everyone had a chance to visit with them.  After everyone left Isabella spotted my craft room so we spent the rest of the evening making crafts.

On Saturday we went to a few yard sales, then to Mikes farm to get some fresh picked Strawberry's.  We especially like to go there at Christmas, they have a fabulous light show. 

Antique Tractor



They were having a yard sale and Raymond found a friend.

Later that day we drove to the beach for a short visit.  The kids had a blast running on the beach and playing in the sand. 

Lily was all smiles

Isabella had a blast playing in the sand and picking up seashells.


Looking for seashells
Raymond was so much fun to watch, he just loved running around and playing in the sand.  It was funny as soon as we walked out on the beach he went right for the water.  A wave came in a he fell down on his butt in the water.  The next time he went near the water as soon as a wave started to come in he would turn around and run the other way.  

Raymond and Grandpa

Isabella and Raymond
We were very disappointed that they only stayed for one day but glad the weather was nice enough to take them to see the beach by our house.  It's always a special time when we get to visit with them.

Till next time.....


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