My Family

Thursday, May 31, 2012

West Virginia Trip

I took a trip to WV to see Alexander play baseball.  He knows how much I love baseball and has been telling me how well he is hitting the ball.  I left on a Thursday morning since he had a game that evening.  Since Alex has been hit three times with the ball he has been a little unsure.  He did really well this game, he hit a single and a double.  It's so much fun to see his excitement when he hits the ball. 

Alex plays left field and sometimes he gets bored waiting for a ball to come his way.  So he dances, no one has told him when grandma has her camera she takes lot of pictures.

Alex dancing in left field
Aunt Erica was there also and Alex was telling her about his games:

Alex:  If I get to first base I get a dollar, if I get to second base I get two dollars, if I get to third base I get three dollars and if I get a home run I get twenty dollars...

Aunt Erica: Get out of town...

Alex thinking for a second:  well if I hit it out of town I'll probably get fifty three dollars...

Don't know where he came up with the fifty three amount but I'm sure if he hits it out of town his dad will be glad to give it to him.  It sure is funny the things kids say.

He had practice Friday night and another game on Saturday.  It was nice to get to see two games that weekend. 

We went to the park and Alex showed me how he does his cartwheels.

I cannot believe how big he's getting and that he will be going to first grade next year.  He is such a sweet boy and it's always fun to go and visit with him.

Till next time.....


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