My Family

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Our trip to Charleston, SC

For our anniversary we decided to go to Charleston, SC for a few days.  On the way down we got gas for $2.89, we were very excited but sad we only needed half a tank. 

We arrived Friday afternoon, checked into our hotel then drove downtown.  We found a really good place to buy cupcakes, if you go to Charleston check them out.

We checked out the visitor center and bought passes to go into some of the old homes.  These homes were built in the 1700's and were really neat.  The tour guide told us one just sold two years ago for 6.2 million.  Guess we won't be moving there anytime soon :)

Most of the houses they would not allow pictures inside.  This was the only house I was able to get some picture inside, love the staircase.

Friday night I found a comedy place that did improv so we decided to go that evening.  They were so funny and we laughed the entire time.  I will be sure to go back the next time we head that way.

Saturday we went to the Magnolia Plantation and Gardens  it was very nice but next time we will go mid-march or April when all the flowers are in bloom.  The house was really nice and I fell in love with the really wide wrap around porch. 

A pretty bridge to get a wedding picture taken

We then went downtown to tour some more homes, then just walked the streets to check out all the pretty homes.

We found the city market which was really cool, had several buildings with vendors selling their crafts. 

At the park near the market they had an area that the kids could play in the water.  It was so hot that I was ready to go in it myself. 

Driving the roads by the hotel there was so much construction that there were signs calling it construction land which was pretty funny.

Then we found this sign outside a Wendy's which was really funny.

Sunday we went back to the market and walked around before we headed home.  A cruise ship came in on Sunday and was heading back out at 4:00, I so wanted to stow away on the ship.  Haven't been on a cruise for some time and I'm getting the itch to go.  Looking to go to Bermuda on the next one.  We have gone out of Charleston for a cruise and it's a very nice port and easy to get in and out of.

We had a great time and will definitely be going back. 

Till next time.....


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