My Family

Monday, July 9, 2012

July 4th Week

My son and his family came to visit with us the week of July 4th.   We decided to go to the beach on Monday.  Alex had a lot of fun jumping the waves and building sand castles.

Tuesday we went to the Pine Knoll Shores Aquarium since it was Turtle Tuesday. 

Alex's turtle he made in the craft room

We cooked out Wednesday before we headed out to the fireworks.  Our friends Frankie and his wife Toni came over for dinner.  Below Frankie, Greg & Alex are setting up a 2-liter bottle of soda.  We have a holder that you set on top and fill with memtos mints.  When you pull the string and the mints hit the soda it goes way up in the air.  Alex really likes doing this.

Alex ready for the fireworks
Nice family picture 

One day we played mini golf and hit the batting cages.  I don't know what we were thinking in this heat, by the time we were done we went home and jumped in the pool.

It was so hot this week that we spent a lot of time in the pool.  The day they arrived Alex was in the pool within 15 minutes.  He loves swimming and is very good at swimming under the water.  We even went swimming several nights after it was dark which he thought was very cool.

We had a lot of fun this week and already have a list of things to do next year when they visit.  I miss my pool buddy already.

Till next time.....


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