My Family

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Weekend Workout

No not exercise :)  Saturday Greg worked on the fence.  A section fell down and some of the boards needed replaced.  We want to stain and seal the fence but need to do some repairs first.  While Greg worked on the fence I cut down some of the tree limbs behind the fence.  We still have some more to cut down but need to get the power saw out for that.  We need to clear out a wider path between the fence and the trees.  This way the sun can get to the back of the fence after a rain to dry it out quicker.   That will make for another weekend.

Greg fixing the fence
That evening we decided to check out a Chinese auction that we seen in the paper.   The auction things really looked like things that did not sell in people's yard sales.  I know they were trying to raise money and I hope they did well but it wasn't the kind of Chinese auction I'm use too.  Since we were close to the beach we decided to check out one of our favorite seafood restaurants to see if it has opened for the season.  Well we were a week early.  It opens this weekend, yummy can't wait.

We decided to stop at a place in Swansboro.  It's fun trying out different places although I really need to watch what I order in terms of seafood.  I ordered stuffed flounder which I really like.  The fish came out whole with the bones in.  The fish was good, the stuffing I really didn't like.  I guess I'm so use to the Red Lobster seafood.  I'll have to start asking how it will come out on my plate before I order it.
Stuffed Flounder
Sunday we went to the homecoming of the church that Greg grew up in.  A friend of his mother's ask her to go so we went along.  He sister and brother and his wife and niece also went.  It was nice with a pot luck luncheon after the service.
Till next time........

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