My Family

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Another trip to PA

Well I have had a busy 2 weeks.  Lily was born on Friday February 11th which was her grandpa's birthday.   I got my things together and headed to Pa on Tuesday morning.  Lily is so cute and really looks like Isabella when she was born.  Isabella is so excited to have a little sister.

Isabella and Lily
Isabella loves to go to Sweet and Sassy to get her hair cut.  They put sparkles in her hair and on her checks.  So her and I played sweet and sassy and we put curlers in her hair.  She loved getting up the next day with curly hair.

Raymond has the cutest personality.  He is really getting around now and is so much fun to watch.  He would crawl out to the kitchen and would turn around and look at me, smile and take off again.  He knew he was not to be in the kitchen and knew I was going to go out and get him.  He thought this was so funny.

Raymond taking a break on Sadie's dog bed

It sure is a lot of work getting everyone in their car seat and bags packed to go in the car.  Erica's sure is going to have her hands full.  I came home this past Wednesday, doing pretty good driving to pa and back by myself.  It's around nine hours but as long as I have my snack, water and music I'm pretty good.  It's really hard to leave the grand-kids but it makes for a really fun time when I get to see them.  Hopefully they will be able to visit with us someday.  Isabella really wants to see Grandma's new house.

Till next time......

Sunday, February 13, 2011

She Has Arrived..........

Friday was Greg's birthday.  After he was done with school we went to breakfast at the waffle house.  This did not start the day out very good because our bill was $5 more then it should have been.  Turns out the waitresses add their checks with calculators.  When I told the manager that the check was wrong she fixed it then told us she will need to figure out how the waitress made the mistake.  Didn't even say she was sorry for the error.  It really irritated me.  So I needed to breath and get through it, I will be writing to the company.

We decided to go over to the shopping center to look for sneakers for Greg.  We went to a few places and didn't find anything we liked.  I was planning to take him to the movies and it was getting time so we decided to head to the mall.  We went to see "Just Go With It" which was really good.   After the movies we called Erica since she had called us several times during the movie.  She said she was trying to send us a picture but for some reason it would not come through.   So she finally had to tell us....Our granddaughter was born on Greg's birthday.  He was so happy and thrilled.  She was 8lbs and her name is Lily Catherine.  We finally received a picture on our phone Saturday night.  She is so cute and really looks like Isabella when she was born.  I will be heading to PA Tuesday, can't wait to meet my new Granddaughter. 

Saturday we went to a Valentines dinner at the church.  It was a fund-raiser for the youth group to help with the cost of camp.  The youth served the dinner and did a really good job.  We had steak, baked potato, salad and dessert.  It was very good and they did a great job of decorating the tables.  There was some door prizes given out and I actually won a $20 gift certificate to the grocery store.  We had a really nice time.

Hope everyone had a nice weekend, I will be put a picture of Lily up soon.

Till next time....

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Chocolate Festival

Saturday we headed to Morehead to the Chocolate Festival.  It was very crowded maybe because it was a rainy day.  There were a lot of vendors showing off their cakes and pies.  Many had samples (very small samples) and if you liked them you could buy a slice to take home.  We walked around the room checking out all the stands.   I did fine the stand with the chocolate covered strawberries, they are my favorite.  Greg had a piece of chocolate covered cheesecake.  On the way out there was a table set up to raise money for the troops. It was called Thumbs up for the Troops.  There was a table set up where you put your thumb print in chocolate on a piece of paper and then write a message.  It was really neat.

After the festival we took the bridge over to Emerald Isle.  We went to the movies to see "No Strings Attached".  After the movies we went to Rucker John's restaurant for supper.  We had their crab dip which is so good.  I then had a BLT with shrimp which I really like.  I guess when good tomatoes come into season I'll have to make it at home.  We had a really nice day even though it rained all day.

Till next time.....

Monday, February 7, 2011

I've Passed

Well after not passing the written test at the DMV on Saturday I went back today.  After sitting 1 1/2 hours it was my turn.  I did look over the handbook before I went but that is really a lot of information to absorb.  There were about five questions that I had last time so that was great.  The other questions seemed to be a little easier this time.  So now I have to wait for my new license.  In the state of NC they mail it to you instead of giving it to you right away.  Next step is getting a new license plate....I hope it is a better experience.

Till next time.....


Friday, February 4, 2011

The DMV & Mexican Shrimp Bisque

No we didn't go to the DMV to get Mexican Shrimp Bisque :)   Since Greg is done early on Fridays we decided to go to the DMV to apply for our new drivers license.  Well Greg got his license but for me it did not go so well.  I passed the eye and sign test but did not past the question test.  I know that it's been 35 years since I took the test but some of these questions they ask were crazy.  I was geared for questions on driving not how many points do you get for littering or driving reckless.    I even took a test of driving questions on the computer before I went.  But the questions that came up though me off.  Oh well I guess I'll have to go back on Monday and try again.

Erica put a recipe on her blog for Mexican Shrimp Bisque.  I decided to make it for supper.  It was really good and very quick and easy to make.  I doubled the recipe and added corn.  This recipe is a keeper.  If you want to try it click on the link to her blog from my site. 

Till next time......

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Busy Weekend

Greg has a really nice schedule on Fridays.  He is done at work by 10am which is really nice.  He had a doctor's appointment Friday in New Bern.  I really like the town of New Bern and enjoy going there.  I decided to check the web to fine a restaurant (not a chain) that we have not tried yet.  I found a place called Morgan's Tavern & Grill .   This restaurant is in the Historic District in downtown New Bern and is really neat inside with the exposed brick walls and wood ceiling beams.  We each ordered the Club Salad which was like a club sandwich without the bread.   It was a very large salad and very good, a place I would go back too.

Greg has been wanting a metal detector since we have moved here, so Saturday we decided to go up to Wilmington for the day.  There are a few shops on the way that sell used items.  The second shop we stopped at we found a metal detector.  We then went to mayfaire  to walk around.  It was a really nice day to walk around outside.  We then went to Costco to get a few things before we headed home.

Greg could not wait to use his metal detector so after church on Sunday we headed to the beach.  It was close to 70 degrees at home.  I started on my suntan while Greg went to find some treasures.

He found some coins, a key and a pair of nail clippers.  Good practice for when the tourists start to come to the beach. 

Till next time......
