My Family

Friday, February 4, 2011

The DMV & Mexican Shrimp Bisque

No we didn't go to the DMV to get Mexican Shrimp Bisque :)   Since Greg is done early on Fridays we decided to go to the DMV to apply for our new drivers license.  Well Greg got his license but for me it did not go so well.  I passed the eye and sign test but did not past the question test.  I know that it's been 35 years since I took the test but some of these questions they ask were crazy.  I was geared for questions on driving not how many points do you get for littering or driving reckless.    I even took a test of driving questions on the computer before I went.  But the questions that came up though me off.  Oh well I guess I'll have to go back on Monday and try again.

Erica put a recipe on her blog for Mexican Shrimp Bisque.  I decided to make it for supper.  It was really good and very quick and easy to make.  I doubled the recipe and added corn.  This recipe is a keeper.  If you want to try it click on the link to her blog from my site. 

Till next time......

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