My Family

Sunday, February 13, 2011

She Has Arrived..........

Friday was Greg's birthday.  After he was done with school we went to breakfast at the waffle house.  This did not start the day out very good because our bill was $5 more then it should have been.  Turns out the waitresses add their checks with calculators.  When I told the manager that the check was wrong she fixed it then told us she will need to figure out how the waitress made the mistake.  Didn't even say she was sorry for the error.  It really irritated me.  So I needed to breath and get through it, I will be writing to the company.

We decided to go over to the shopping center to look for sneakers for Greg.  We went to a few places and didn't find anything we liked.  I was planning to take him to the movies and it was getting time so we decided to head to the mall.  We went to see "Just Go With It" which was really good.   After the movies we called Erica since she had called us several times during the movie.  She said she was trying to send us a picture but for some reason it would not come through.   So she finally had to tell us....Our granddaughter was born on Greg's birthday.  He was so happy and thrilled.  She was 8lbs and her name is Lily Catherine.  We finally received a picture on our phone Saturday night.  She is so cute and really looks like Isabella when she was born.  I will be heading to PA Tuesday, can't wait to meet my new Granddaughter. 

Saturday we went to a Valentines dinner at the church.  It was a fund-raiser for the youth group to help with the cost of camp.  The youth served the dinner and did a really good job.  We had steak, baked potato, salad and dessert.  It was very good and they did a great job of decorating the tables.  There was some door prizes given out and I actually won a $20 gift certificate to the grocery store.  We had a really nice time.

Hope everyone had a nice weekend, I will be put a picture of Lily up soon.

Till next time....

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