My Family

Monday, November 15, 2010

Home & Gift Show

Saturday we drove to New Bern for their Home and Gift Show.   This is the town that Nicholas Sparks is from.  It wasn't as big as I was expecting but it was nice.  I did fine some new home party company's.  One was called Homemade Gourmet

Another was jewelry by Cookie Lee

Another was called Thirty-One

Celebrating Home also had a stand set up.  I actually really like this company.  They have some really nice things for your home.

Since it didn't take long to go through the show we decided to walk over to the park.  I really like to walk to this park because it's by the water.  We had a chance to see the bridge go up for the boats to go through.

You can stand right by the railing and look out over the water.  The sun was shining and the water looked so pretty.

There is a place where the kids can feed the ducks.
We then decided to take a walk through town, we went to the Farmer's Market.  New Bern has painted bears throughout the town.  I took pictures of a few as we were walking around.

I do love the weather here in NC.  It gets chilly in the morning and evening but during the day the sun makes it very warm.  It's great to be able to walk around in short sleeves or a thin long sleeve top. 

Sunday while I worked in the toddler room at church Greg worked on closing our pool for the winter.  This is our first time ever having a pool so hopefully everything goes well and it'll be go to go in the spring. 

Till next time...

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