My Family

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Richlands Street Fair

We decided to stay close to home this weekend.  Saturday we headed to Richlands Street Fair which was only a few miles up the road.  It was ok and has potential, but needs to grow some.  I was told it was really nice some years ago but then they stopped having it.  Someone in the town is trying to get it going again.  This was the first time we were in the downtown part of Richlands.  They have some really neat old buildings and it would be a really cute place to shop if it would get restored.  We checked out the stands that were there and I found this really cute bumble bee doorstop.  It is made out of cement and painted.

We went down a side street and found an antique shop.  Well it actually was a place where they did screen printing with some antiques also in the shop.  But the cool thing was the other part of the building was an old theater.  The guy that owned it had some really cool antiques.  Of course most of it you couldn't get too because he has so much piled up.  He did however pull some furniture outside to try to sell.  He said he wants to clean the building out and do something with it.  Greg gave him the idea of bringing back the theater look and putting up a large screen TV and turning it into a sports bar / restaurant.  Anyway we spotted 6 really nice antique chairs.  We have been looking for chairs to go with Greg's grandmothers dining room table.  The chairs we had were falling apart.  Everywhere we looked we would only fine 2 or 4 but never a set of 6.  We ended up buying them and they look great with the table. Some day we'll change out the fabric on the seats but for now they look nice and were so glad we found them.

Sunday after church we decided to start refinishing a kitchen table we brought with us when we moved.  It's a really nice sturdy table and has 2 inserts to make it longer.  I have always liked it but the finish was coming off. I can't wait till it's finished hopefully by Thanksgiving.

Table after taking most of the stain off
Table legs before the stain was removed
We had a really nice weekend.  Till next time....


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