My Family

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Thanksgiving Weekend

My son and his family came to visit for the Thanksgiving weekend.  They arrived Wednesday afternoon and the first thing Alex had to show me was how he played football.

Thursday morning Greg and I started to work on making Thanksgiving Dinner.  Greg's family came over and we invited a Marine and his family to join us since they didn't have family in the area.  We really had a nice day together eating lots of good food, played baseball in the yard with the kids and then dessert. 

I guess I should go back to the morning when we started to make dinner.  Greg peeled the potatoes and put the peels down the garbage disposal.  Well I guess he put to many down at one time and clogged up the pipes. He went to the store to buy something to unclog it but it didn't work.  So he then decided to take the pipes apart.  I'm sure you can guess what happened next,  Yes the clog came loose and the water came squirting out everywhere.  We did put pans under just in case but it really let loose.  My son and I were running around grabbing towels to catch the water.  We got it cleaned up and went back to making dinner.  It was pretty funny and it'll give us something to talk about.

Alex and Grandpa worked on two projects together.  They made a tic-tac-toe board and a bank.  These were kits from Lowe's and were really nice.  Alex really enjoyed them so I guess we will go back to get some more for Christmas.

We really had a nice day, I sure am thankful for our family and friends.  Since it is 11:30 pm I'm going to bed.  I will write more about our weekend tomorrow.  Till next time.....


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