My Family

Monday, November 1, 2010

Sweet Potato Festival

Saturday we were off to the Sweet Potato Festival in Snow Hill, NC.   Snow Hill is a pretty funny name for a town that does not get snow and certainly does not have any hills.  The cotton fields look like snow so that could be it.
Cotton Field
 As we were walking across the road to the festival there was a big helicopter that flew over and landed somewhere by the festival.  So this was the first thing we went to check out.  Turns out it was a Marine rescue helicopter.  They opened it up for people to go through it.  It was pretty cool as you went in through the back and then went out the side door.  It was there for a few hours and then needed to leave.  They made an announcement when it was time for it to take off and we went over to watch it. 

There was a nice area for the children to play and some really cute animals for the kids to see.

The guy that owned the animals had this cute cart that the donkeys pulled to take a ride on.  He also had a baby cart that the goats pulled for the very little ones.

When we walked around the craft stands I seen this cute witch made out of flower pots.  I actually bought a smaller version.  Next year I may try to make a bigger one for my front porch.

McDonalds was there giving out samples of their iced coffee.  It actually was pretty good.

We decided to get something to eat.  Greg tried a bacon wrapped deep fried hot dog.  He said it was just ok.
I decided to get some sweet potato ribbon fries.

Then the strangest thing happened.  As we were standing there eating the fries, a man and lady came up to us.  He was looking at my fries and asked if they were good.  He actually was eating a dish of regular sweet potato fries.  After standing there for a minute staring at my food he ask if I wanted to trade some fries because he wanted to taste the kind I had.  So I took one of his fries and he took some of mine.  Now I have shared my food with my family and friends but never a stranger.  I still having trouble believing that a stranger ask me for some of my food. 
We walked around checking out more of the vendors.  Before we decided to leave we stopped at the mini donut stand.  Fresh made mini donuts with cinnamon sugar or powdered sugar.  We ordered them half and half, the cinnamon sugar was the best. They were really good just made and hot.  We had a great day with great weather.  Till next time......


1 comment:

  1. Nice write up, Jennifer. A hill in eastern NC is anything over 10 feet high :) Here's what tradition holds to be the origin of the town's name: "Contentnea Creek on whose banks Native Americans camped and called them “snowy white” which was translated into “snowy hills”; hence the popular name of Snow Hill."
